This MTV series revolves around 16-year old Jenna Hamilton (played by Ashley Rickards) who is struggling with her identity, a phase most teenagers go through. She feels invisible in a popularity-driven school. However when she gets the attention she was looking for, it was through an accident that was misconstrued as a suicide. She has a huge crush with Matty McKibben (played by Beau Mirchoff) and she loses her virginity to him but Matty wants to keep their relationship a secret.
The season 1 of MTV’s ‘Awkward” premiers July 2011 and each half-hour episode features the typical high school life of an American teen. The story may seem simple as it is narrated by teenage girl’s blog. But it was entertaining and had a bit of mystery because Jenna receives a care-frontation letter from a mystery letter sender.
Though it seems simple, the story shows the conflicts and complications in each of the characters. The movie makes one feel the excitement of high school life. And another plus factor is the actors which are easy on the eyes like Ashley and Beau.
Note: IMO, this series is recommended for mature teenagers only- those who know that they should not imitate everything they see on TV and knows that they are responsible for their actions. This is because IMO again, there are so many sex scenes in this show and also features drugs and alcohol.
The season 2 of Awkward is yet to start this year.
Awkward Cast
Ashley Rickards: Jenna Hamilton
Beau Mirchoff: Matty Mckibben
Brett Davern: Jake Rosati
Molly Tarlov: Sadie Saxton (Jenna’s nemesis)
Jillian Rose Reed: Tamara (Jenna’s bestfriend)
Nikki DeLoach: Lacey Hamilton (Jenna’s mom)
Desi Lydic: Valerie Marks (high school counselor)